Our Rainbow Bridge page is open to anyone who would like to create a journal regarding the loss of their pet.  Please feel free to include pictures and stories.  We have also included donations that have been made in memory of individuals or dogs.

Entries by KellyAnn (17)


Holiday Donation from R. Gleeson

...was made on behalf of my friend Petey Tomb for Christmas who is a lover of Weimaraners.


In honor of...

A donation was made In honor of Kathleen Reid by Marcelene Jefferson.


In Honor of...

A donation was made on behalf of Dottie Johnson and Patti Williford in honor of Remi

by Kenneth Ridenour





Run Free, Sweet Lolly!



2009 Calendar Boy, Phantom

I wanted to let you all know that Phantom earned his wings last week. I really enjoyed entering his pictures in your calendar contests and donating his winnings. You all do such great work to help all the furkids you can. ♥
Phantom lived nearly 13 years and 11 of the with Addison's Disease. He was the best furkid I have ever known, he love everyone and everything. Sadly he started having seizures in March of this year and last week he had really bad back to back seizures (one lasting an hour). My vets best guess from reading blood work and seeing the seizure last week was he more then likely had a brain tumor. I decided that these seizures were too hard on him and made the hardest call I have ever had to make. I made a memorial video of him  as it shows a Weimaraner can be your best friend.  Http://WWW.youtube.Com/watch?v=U5pIjNzaW90
Thank you for all you do for these wonderful furkids.
Lorraine &  ^Phantom^