Success Stories > 2010 Successes
10-27-10 Ginger recently celebrated her "birthday." Her birthday is the day she was adopted 1 year ago. Her new owner called to thank us for placing Ginger with her. She owned weims for years but waited a long time before getting another weim after losing her last one. She said thank you for matching such a wonderful dog with her. She has no health issues (she came into the shelter as a stray). She said there is no dog that would have been a better match for her and she is so happy she waited for her.
See Buster's Blog:
I want to thank Tri-State Weimaraner Rescue for connecting us with Jazper's owners who were giving Jazper up as they were a growing family with a small home and no longer had the time to devote to Jazper.
Jazper has been a wonderful addition to our home. We lost our previous weimaraner, Miranda, in September 2009 and were so grief stricken we couldn't bear to seek a replacement until now. It took me a while to get the adoption application completed and submitted. Jazper's photo and information were posted on the website but quite frankly, I wasn't impressed as he looked homely in the photos. But in one of the photos he was posed wearing sunglasses just like our Miranda did so that broke the ice for me a little bit.
We were interviewed and during the interview we learned that it looked like Jazper was going to be adopted before we could meet him. But, that adoption fell through and after it was explained to me that Jazper was a laid back sweet boy, that convinced me we should meet him at his owner's house. One look at the boy and it was a classic "no brainer." He was more handsome in person and the photos hadn't done him justice. We went through the motions during the interview with the owners. But to me, it was a done deal as soon as we caught sight of him.
Jazper has been with us for nearly three weeks. Despite a couple of glitches that we were warned to expect, things have gone about as good as possible. Jazper is everything we wanted in replacing our beloved Miranda and we could not be happier. The boy is lying right near me as I type this and we will be heading out for our evening walk as soon as I am finished. I have attached a few of the many pictures we have taken of him playing and at rest.
Thanks so much for getting us hooked up with Jazper. He truly has found his forever home.
William and Helen Evans
We adopted Jazper last June 13 - Here he is all excited about Thanksgiving. I kept a log and we have put in over 400 miles of walking since he came to his forever home. We adore him and he has been exactly what we needed after losing Miranda September 6, 2009.
I wanted to send you an update as to Max’s progress since we adopted him last January (or he adopted us…I’m unsure which way it truly is). He has adjusted well and seems to love living here on the farm with Silver, Lee and me. We are quite the little family. He and Silver have their own dog door from wince they can come and go as they desire during daylight hours. They wear an electronic collar and can run all 3 acres at their will. Max has learned to be a social and nice member of both the human and nonhuman society….(due to much time working with an electronic pager and a 20 foot lead!). He actually responds much better than Silver at times….(and I don’t think she cares a bit!)
He does have to wear an electronic pager at the doggie play grounds or when I run the two of them on public paths, and allow them to be off lead. Unfortunately, the little dogs still love to pick on him, and he does not like to back down from a good fight. (So….I just use the vibration mode of the transmitter, and he responds immediately…this devise is wonderful for a bull headed beast like Max. It allows him plenty of freedom, and it doesn’t hurt him a bit. Since I have begun using the pager, he usually listens to my voice better when he is in “I’m going to make you wish you did NOT pick on me you little bastard” mode.)
He no longer initiates trouble like he did when I first met him, however when approached abruptly by man or beast, he does not back down easily. He still has a jealousy thing going with me, Silver, or Lee, but we don’t allow him to be rude to anyone (human or nonhuman), and even though he does not like it, he will back away and show submission. (I don’t blame him for his actions, but he is very strong and very powerful, so we continue to watch him closely.) He seems to love children and is getting better at moving more cautiously around them.
He weighs in at 88.2 pounds now, and is very healthy. His hind quarters are very strong now, and he can run and jump efficiently. He continues to improve in his agility, for Silver puts him through his paces daily over hill and dale through the woods and meadows. He can’t outrun her, but he does keep up better now, and tries to outsmart her by taking short cuts or hiding from her so she comes to look for him, then he springs up and jumps on her in a play like fashion. He is a giant puppy!
Every day we thank the Gods that Max came into our lives, and we also thank those people (each of you) that played a part in his life before he came to live with us.
Slate (formerly Mesa)
This 3 year old female was rescued by an all breed rescue after finding her in a shelter emaciated and sick. We found that she had pneumonia, she was treated and adopted by her foster home. She has now gained all her weight back and is feeling fine.
"I love her so so much and we both have such a special bond together. She's my world!!!!" Melissa.
Things here are going great! Digger is doing fantastic! We all love him! He is well behaved, gets along great with the kids and any company we have had so far, loves to run around the yard, stays off the furniture (so far) etc. We are very happy with him & our experience with Tri-State!Regards,Paul & FamilyDigger with new brother Max
Duke now Riley
He is doing really great! We actually changed his name to Riley. He
loves the city - he is always so happy to meet people and other dogs
on his walks! He especially likes the people and doesn't understand
why not everyone wants to pet him. We've also found that he enjoys
playing with smaller dogs, rather than big dogs, at the dog park.
We've just started working with him with just a collar instead of the
harness and he's doing really well.Joanna and Lee
O'Ryan was rescued by Tri State Weimaraner Rescue on June 4, 2010 at the age of 7 weeks old. He was in serious need of medical attention and was sent to Wrights Animal Hospital within one hour of rescue.
O'Ryan spend 8 days in the hospital where it was learned he had a severe heart murmur and was infested with ring worms, round worms, whip worms, fleas and suffered from open sores. After his treatment and discharge he was sent to see the cardiologist at Valley Central Vet Services where he was diagnosed with Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia.
A heart condition which causes enlargement to the heart, as one of his heart valves does not close properly.
As you can see, O'Ryan had a rough start in life, but he is doing well now. O'Ryan weighed 4.2 lbs on admission to rescue and now weighs 69.2 lbs. O'Ryan continues to see his favorite Vet, Dr. Paula Flynn at Wrights and his Cardiologist Dr. Davidson. He is on medication twice daily to regulate his heart condition. Recently O'Ryan collapsed for unknown reasons. But his vets think it was due to his rapid growth and the need to increase his medications. He is just as active, playful and happy as any 8 month old puppy would be and is smart beyond his age. He is just an awesome pup.
2/2011 All is well with Onion. She is in charge of the family dynamics; very opinionated, smart, loving. resourceful and the main player..her brother, another rescue, has allowed her to take over. He patiently waits his turn. The bed is Onion's during the night and he regains his turf early am, my husband rises early hence I always have a warm back thanks to my "Dog Children." Life is good, if only she would stop barking at every noise she hears. Our guests don't always appreciate her mouthy ways..but either we are getting used to it or our hearing is getting bad. Onion is her own boss and we are happy to have her in our life. Linda
Indy - 10 months old
Indy has been a part of our family for almost a year now. We can't imagine life without her.
Tri State rescued her undernourished and suffering from pneumonia but she's grown into a beautiful, healthy, happy girl.Even though she looks like a weimaraner we aren't entirely convinced that she isn't part chimpanzee. If she can't find room on your lap she'll use what ever means she can to climb up and try to sit on your head! Her HUGE personality and crazy antics keep us constantly amused.
Indy learns quickly. She knows basic commands, where the best treats are kept and what to do to earn them. She's even taught her "dad", Steve, to figuratively jump through hoops. She has him wrapped around her little paws.Indy's stolen the hearts of our entire family. She's a perfect example of why everyone should "Adopt don't Shop".
Nutmeg is doing great! she is very articulate, very opinionated, countersurfs, and a lot of fun! as long as I keep her quiet, without too much running around, she does not I am keeping my fingers crossed that she is slowly healing, with the thanks to you and your contribution of that powder, Synovi, which really seems to help! -
I started to foster Zulu in May 2010. Several months before I got him he was taken to the Humane Society in Washington, D.C., then the Washington D.C. Weimaraner Rescue picked him up after a week or two. After being there for some time he stayed with a few different people along the way to his new foster home in New York. After being there for a few months he came to me to foster. Size-wise he reminded me of one of my last Weims that I had to put down, so much so that sometimes I found myself calling him the wrong name. At almost 9 years old, he just wanted to be loved by someone who wanted to keep him forever. After being bounced around to so many different people it did take him some time to trust unconditionally. Once that unconditional trust was established and he knew that he was there to stay he became very comfortable and happy. He actually became my shadow. He gets along great with my other rescue dog, Zoe, and any other dog I dog sit. He loves all of his stuffed animals and sometimes when I come home, it looks like he's having a party! At times he will gather 15 or more in one area upstairs. He loves to go for walks and rides in the car and he definitely knows that he gets a treat at the drive thru at the bank. His lack of hearing hasn't been a problem and someone in the past trained him with hand signals that he responds to very well. He has been a great addition to me even at 9 years old! Donna
Beau was found as stray. He has turned out to be just great!! He has gained 17 lbs. All of the sores and bad elbow have healed and yes he is even starting to grow little sprigs of hair on his tail. He loves to run around the farm and catch ground hogs and chase bunnies and jump in the pond. He likes to play ball, frizbee and just hang out with me. He is really cool. He does well off leash and has grown to like my lab, Choppie. I know that Bo was a total fluke but it worked out well. Thank you for giving me the opportunity when you did. Brenda
We adopted Maggie at the meet and greet at Cherry Hill on 7/31/10. We Were very apprehensive about adoption because we have always raised our dogs from pups. We spoke to several individuals over a period of two weeks. Then we spoked to her foster parent Liz Mundrak and she filled us in on all of Maggie's antics. We have a two year old female and had just lost our twelve year old in January 10. Gage was mourning the loss of Scout as we were. We were thinking about a second dog but I just couldn't train another pup. My husband was online looking for a Weimaraner rescue and found TriState. There was a picture of Maggie draped over a little girl's lap. I read her bio and knew that she was for us. Maggie has stolen our hearts and made a best friend with Gage. She has been with us for a little over two months and it seems like she has lived with our family for when she was a pup. She has become an important member of our family. Thank you Tristate for the work you do. You have another successful adoption.
Thank you,
The Scopelliti Family
Jack O Lantern now Giacomo
Giacomo 1st Day: Giacomo is doing very well. He was very interested in going for a walk last night so I gave-in (I had wanted to get more familiar with him before we set out on a journey). I think the city is going to be good for him --- he started barking at people, but then quickly gave up when he realized he was surrounded by people and could not bark at everyone. City sounds don't seem to startle him -- it all blends together and he was oblivious to things I thought would drive him bonkers (horns, truck brakes, trains, creaky subway grates, etc). Day 1 begins and I am excited to take this journey with him!
2-21-11 Giacomo is doing very well. His fear aggression seems to be curtailing-although we haven't been out for long walks lately due to all the salt and ice everywhere. His only vice right now is his affinity to eat poo. I am trying to add some pineapple to his diet to make it taste less desirable, not sure it is working. He is a sweet dog and really fitting in nicely to our home. He has his bursts of energy, but seems less wired than other weims. He is overly excited though when out on a leash. Arnold and he get along real well-in fact, dare I say that they get along better than Arnold got along with Giuseppe? I still have not been able to bathe Giacomo either-major issues with the shower-I do the spray clean thing and that works for him. Thanks for checking. Mike
The night went fine....I have never seen a dog so quiet at night. Not a peep out of him. He is in love with my husband, LOL!! We were playing ball with him today. He did really well, and seemed happy just to be with us. He has done well going to the bathroom outside.....loves to stick the grass and pines right up his butt, like you said! LOL! Thanks again for bringing him down, I'll keep you posted!
Lilly was spayed back on Oct 12th and is doing quite well. I'm taking her today for a special spa treatment at PETCO. Ron has already taught her to give paw and she loves to play fetch. She weighed 42 lbs the day we took her to be spayed. She's a very smart pup.
I'll also send you new pics, too. Oh, and she still has her blue eyes....
Michele -
Graycee & Willow Littermates
3-17-2011 Puppies are now 10 months old and doing great. Shortly after adoption the cat scratched Willow's eye and caused a severe injury. Good News! last week was her last follow up and the vet said "she dodged the bullet." No further treatment is needed. She has good vision in the eye and although the eye is slightly smaller you would never know. Oh and the cat is in the "dog house."
Willow is lovey and cuddly and more dominant. Graycee is hyper and more scattered but tries to be good. They love to play together and puppy wrestle which is very entertaining and noisy. They take turns who gets on top and who goes on bottom and chase each other around outside and amuse each other and our family getting plenty of exercise outside. They get walked in the morning and evening.
No training or behavior issues except they recently argued over food. Graycee is shy and never stood up for herself-she would just let Willow take her food. Graycee is starting to stand up for herself so we feed them apart. They walk good on a leash but could be better so we are working on that.
We really enjoy the dogs and they are part of our family. Marti
Again you guys have located the perfect dog for our family. Ashley is very young, however, she is very smart and is eager to learn. She is adjusting well to her new environment and loves the morning and evening 1 mile runs. The exercise seems to really calm her down and give her great joy! I don’t think she has ever been able to really run at full speed, WOW what a beautiful site seeing her doing her thing…. she seem to be running and smiling at the same time, if that is possible! We are crating her at night in our bedroom to allow her to adjust to our cats. All is going well so far.
We are very happy with her. I have been keeping her previous owners up to date on her progress. I know how difficult it was for them to give her up. We are visiting the vet this up coming week for all of her shots.
Gus -
Chip is adjusting just fine. He is making himself right at home. When I got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, guess who jumped into a nice warm spot on my bed with his head on my pillow? He is eating well and enjoying some dog bones that I gave to my dogs. He has had no accidents in the house. He has explored the yard and all the thousands of good smells out there. He barked three times yesterday and I was very pleased. I was beginning to think that silence was the order of the day. My son and I feel that we've made a good match with Chip. We'll get some pictures off to you.
Peg Hartnett -
Milo now Orion
We LOVE Orion and are so happy he is a part of our family. He became good friends with our other dog right away and now they are pretty much inseparable. Orion loves to be outside and run around the yard even when it is really cold outside. He is a very sweet dog. Still needs training on the leash as we have not found the right trainer yet to help us--we are hoping to get someone to come to our house. He is very curious of our cats and chases them all the time. His manners are sweet and very loving. Wherever I go-he goes. The kids love him too. Again, we are thankful he became an addition to our family. He has helped us get over the loss of our other Weim. Laura 2-8-2011
Winter now Eva
With her new family and weim brother
Remi - 7 year old female
Remi is doing great. It's like she"s been part of the family for years. We had a great trip....long but good weather. Her favorite spot is in front of the fireplace (pic enclosed). Thanks for everything! Mike and Lisa12/26 Debbie, she is such a sweetheart! She is sleeping on her new bed. She loves to lay in front of the fireplace. It's like she's been a part of the family for years. She is a perfect fit for our family.
1/11/11 - Debbie,
She is doing great and she is a little cutie. We started around new years to extend our stay away from her to try and get her comfortable with us leaving. We wanted to make sure she knew we were coming back. We had a few mishaps but all in all she did very good. We can really see her personality coming out this past week. She likes to play and has settled in with our morning/evening routine. She knows the rules of who's bed she can sleep in and where she can't go. I personally don't need the leash to take her out. She listens very good. We took her to the vet about 1 1/2 weeks ago to baseline her and take tests for the heartworm. She had a clean bill of health except she needed the last heartworm treatment to kill eggs and larvae. She received that treatment yesterday. We will be taking x-rays for her hips and clean her teeth sometime in the spring. The vet wanted to make sure we concentrate on the heartworm first.
We couldn't have asked for a better dog. She fits our life style perfectly. She gets so much love and affection, and she eats it up. She loves to come over and get her nose under your hand and give it a flip when she wants love. She makes us laugh. She loves the fireplace. I took her to our cabin about a week ago. She loved it. She is quite the scrounger. You can't leave anything out or she will be into it.
She tried getting into a brand new coffee can the other day. I guess she likes coffee like Lisa & I.
Mike and Lisa -
Samuel - 11 years old
Samuel is nothing but a bundle of sweetness and love. He’s a delight.
Blade is doing great! He is certainly becoming quite comfortable with his new home and fits right in. He was very well-behaved for the first month, and since he realizes he is staying here, he has become quite the food thief. He has stolen food that was left on the counter, in the cabinet, and anything in the garbage. He is so very affectionate and loves to lie on the couch with his head in one of our laps. He also likes to play outdoors like my other Weim. My husband and I had all 3 dogs outside playing in the snow yesterday and they had a blast! He actually keeps himself occupied running in circles around us and the other dogs with a toy in his mouth. He's not the best with playing fetch, but as long as he's happy, I am too. The most comical thing that he does is stand at the front door and whine when he needs to go out. The funny thing is that we let him out the back door, but we get the hint and we think it's cute. Thanks for all your help bringing Blade into our family!
Charlene & John Yablonsky2/17/2011 Update on Blade. Blade is doing well. He is in good health and great spirits. We are working with a trainer to get his obedience in check and he is doing fantastic. He is such a smart dog--sometimes a little too smart. He has learned to open kitchen cabinet doors recently so we have gotten locks for them. He is a very affectionate boy and loves to cuddle which husband and I are always willing to accomodate.
He gets along great with our other 2 dogs particularly our other weim. We finally found some toys that he cannot destroy and enjoys chewing on so we are happy about that. He is still a bit overweight which we are working on--he steals food left on the counter and from the other dogs so it has been a challenge. Hopefully when the weather warms up he will enjoy longer runs which will make dropping the weight off a bit easier.
Recent pictures of our boy Blade for you to enjoy!
Sam Cook 11 years old
Sammy Dog!!
In the words of my sister Samantha "he has been the best addition to your family"!! Sammy is the most affectionate, loving, smart, curious, and sensitive dog. Before Sammy I have not had any experience with weims. I do have to say having a senior weim with children has been a blessing. He is calm and docile when we need him to be, but he can also be playful and energetic when the time is right. To me Sammy is like a well behaved 3 year old. He gets in to trouble when you don't give him enough attention, but as long as you give him what he needs, he love is more then rewarding!
My two year old daughter thinks Sammy is her personal play toy. He put ups with so much "playing" from her. My six year old son has found a companion in Sammy. They play fetch together, watch TV together and Sammy even goes to Beckham's football games to support him!! Sammy has even become my companion. He goes every where with me. Even to the grocery store and waits patiently in the car for me to finish! Having adopted a senior weimaraner has been so rewarding! -
Ella 2 yr Anniversary Christmas 2012
Ella is great! She is the sweetest little girl and has won all of our hearts. She's great with my sisters 3 kids. I spend endless hours cuddling, training and adoring (spoiling) her. I think she is happy with us as well. She has really come out of her shell. She is no longer overweight, but lean and fit. I walk and run her and socialize her daily with other dogs. She loves to play fetch. We have so much fun together. Can't imagine our lives without her now! This special girl has really changed our lives. Warmest regards, Marisa