Success Stories > 2011 Successes > Annabelle & Gixxer
Gixxer3/3/11 Annabelle & Gixxer were housemates their owner surrendered to a shelter because they were going into the military. Annabelle was adopted and Gixxer remained in foster. Annabelle was very shy and timid and afraid of strangers. Would pace around with her tail tucked in. There was a sense of loss. Gixxer then joined Annabelle into the same adoptive family. When Gixxer came back into her life she became a different dog. She was the alpha. She is now doing fantastic. No longer timid and afraid of strangers and is now active and happy. She came out of her shell.
Renata says it is amazing how fast they have become part of our family and it feels like they have been part of the family longer than just weeks. Jack & I feel very lucky to have been able to adopt them as they are both wonderful dogs. We expected issues but there is none.
They love the car, they go to Great Falls park, love the playground with our 3 year old son. Jack runs with them. Both dogs at the same time with a split leash. In fact they run better than they walk because when walking they stop to sniff. I also run with them. They do the "weim dance" as soon as they see the running shoes come out.
Recent vet visit found them to be in great health. Annabelle weights 73-perfect. Gix 92 overweight but increased exercise should help and we have had to play roulette with his food due to gas issues. Currently trying Natural Choice. Previous food had sweet potatoes which may have been the problem.
Renata said "dogs find there way to people for a reason".