Success Stories > 2013 Successes
Elsa knows a lot of commands now and is the perfect girl on a leash. The class instructor at the adult manners class was almost in tears at class when she saw Elsa's progress. She is still afraid of a lot of little things, but we help her through it. Elsa doesn't like the rain or snow. She is content to be in the house on the sofa or in her bed. We love her a lot.
Elsa not only found her way to a wonderful loving home she was soon joined by a new puppy, Jeb. She did NOT like her puppy brother for the first month but things are good now. She puts up with him. She lets him sleep with her and at meal time she is glad to clean his dish--it looks like it came out of the dishwasher!!
Harley & Norman
HARLEY is the new addition to Norman and his family. It's been only 2 days and wildly successful. He has visited Valley Forge National Park and Teegarden Dog Park multiple times...has been VERY well behaved and Norm and him have gotten along great at home, in the car and sleeping in the same bed at night with me. He is a really nice dog. Any concerns that I had around Norm accepting Harley are gone. I can assure you that Harley has found a good home and we are very happy to have him join us. Sincerely, Dan
It's been a few months and I am so happy to tell you that Harley is doing WONDERFULLY. I cannot tell you how happy I am and Norman is to have him as part of our family. He is the most lovable dog and a perfect fit for Norman. He and Norm love each other. He perfectly balances Norm's aloofness with his cuddly lovingness-he loves everybody and all the dogs at the dog park. He has a permanent forever home in my heart and our home. Thanks again for everything. My only regret is that I do not have the room to rescue another.
Dixie and Her Little Brother
Dixie is doing well. Now she has a little brother. The two are quite the pair.
Tucker came into rescue with a degenerative eye disease with limited vision and eventually will lose his sight completely.Tucker is doing great! Here's a picture of him hard at work. I took the dogs for a hike, then gave them peanut butter in a Kong. Tucker collected Kaiser and Bronte's when they were done--just to ensure nothing remained--then fell asleep. Tucker fits right in with the other two weims. He can stay home for a little more than 1 1/2 hours now with no anxiety issues. I have complete confidence we are going to get him there and we have him in doggy day care where he is doing great.
6 months after adoption. Tucker has completely lost his sight. The picture below shows him with his two favorite things: our son and his orange ball. Kaiser continues to be Tucker's seeing eye dog. Kai helps Tuck whenever he is uncertain about where he is. Bronte is Tuck's favorite furry playmate--engaging in chase and competing for whatever we are playing with at the time whether it be Frisbee or ball.
Tucker and our son tug at our hearts since they are the epitome of "a boy and his dog." We love seeing them play in the yard and our son takes VERY good care of Tucker which he claimed as "his dog." Tucker helps put him to bed each night and then sits at his door each morning waiting for him to wake up.
We are so happy--and so lucky--to have Tucker in our lives. He continues to amaze us with how he navigates life without sight and still holds the title "Tucker, The Whip-Tail Wonder" Best, Susan
9+ year old Jake was given up because of a divorce and moving. Born in Ohio, he spent his entire life with his family near Pittsburgh, PA. Although nervous and sad he no longer had his home he decided not to let that get him down and looked forward to the new people he would meet through TSWR. Starting over at his age would be a challenge but he was up for it. After spending a few months vacationing with a wonderful foster family in New Jersey who gave him lots of love and attention and prepared him for his next adventure, he decided to make New Hamshire his permanent home when he found out there was an adopter who was a perfect match for him.
Who says older dogs can't adjust! This is what his new family had to say after only 2 weeks: He snuck into bed with us the first night. He does have a habit of being on the bed and furniture. We took Jake to the vet. He is in good health!! There seems to be no adjustment period, he just dove in with all 4 paws. We have taken several walks. When I am out walking him people have stopped to tell me how beautiful he is. He is eating well and is a good listener. We just love that dog and he loves us!! I have been truly blessed with a new dog and new friends. Thank you.
Darby at the canal
Darby, a 4 year old female was an owner surrender not housetrained or given attention and left long hours on her own. This happy, playful, energetic girl spent two months in foster with TSWR being housetrained and learning house manners. She was recently adopted to a family who is patient with her and she is doing well. This is what they had to say after only a few days: She is a hit at the baseball games. Everyone loves her and she behaves like a perfect little girl. She has her moments in the house but that is to be expected. She is a little pig headed and unwilling to listen at times but we try and break that cycle as quickly as we can. She wants to do what she wants and that's it. She is getting more content with her surroundings as the days go on. At the canal geese are high on her list and squirrels are at the top.
3 month update: Darby is doing great. She has become part of our family and has settled in to our routine. She is much more high strung than our other weim so that definitely took some getting used to. Her prey drive is still high but she seems to be getting better with it. She is a real snuggler and loves as much attention as she can get. Walks on the canal and going to my son's baseball games are her favorite. We are very happy to have her.
Klaus Happy 4th of July 2013
Klaus adopted approximately 5 years ago celebrating Independence Day 2013
Sammy Adoption Day 8-4-13
Sammy came into rescue at 7 months and was adopted by a family with small children and a mom at home. Over the year Sammy spent with his new family as he began needing more training and time spent being active his family had less time for Sammy and he was given back to TSWR. Sammy knew that if he did well with his new foster family he would get the biggest reward a dog can get--a new Forever home. Today was that day!!
SADIE (was Sage)
Things are going with great with (Sage) now Sadie and Lance. They sorted things out over a couple of weeks and get along very well now. The guidance documents I was given at adoption were very helpful. It was a meeting of the personality types "Hulk" and "Bitchy Witchy". It led me to further study of online rescources regarding dog introductions and adaptation to a new family/pack.
Holly's previous owner wasn't willing to hold on to her so she dumped her at a shelter in PA. Holly's new family drove to the shelter that same day and adopted her. She has a good big weim brother, Sage and she is learning new things and having new adventures every day. Looks like Holly found the great home she deserves.
Remy-He has been a total joy and great companion. He has so much energy one moment but if it's time to settle with the family, he is a total couch potato. He plays and goes swimming daily. He really enjoyed camping and loves hiking. He is getting better in the car but still needs slight improvement. He has gained the proper amount of weight--weighs around 80 pounds and has really filled in with muscle. My daughter has bonded with him and he loves to cuddle. He can be a litte ornery and jumps the fence on occasion to chase wild turkeys and deer but he has learned to come back when called. I want to thank everyone that is part of TSWR for all the work that you do. Without you we would have never been able to enjoy this wonderful companion.
Georgia and Louie
Louie 4 and Georgia 9 came in together and became and adoption and foster failure (aka adoption success) at the same time and have blended well with their 15 month old weim Harley. They are inseparable. It is hard to remember life without them. I have to give thanks to TSWR for all of the support and information throughout the fostering and adoption process and ongoing. Recently we had some issues with Louie guarding his home when guests come. It is a new behavior for us and we were lost as to how to handle it. TSWR jumped into action giving us great advice and referred us to a well-know trainer. We are working through this and know it will be a good result.
Overall having Louie and Georgia become members of our family has been a wonderful experience and we are so thankful that they are with us. All 3 Sharing a bed: Louie is the blue weim, Georgia has the red collar and Harley has the black collar. Kara
I lost my last Weim, Razzy in May 2013. I did not think I was ready for another dog, considering I had already gone through losing 3 senior Weims in the past few years. Needless to say, I was heartbroken. My home was suddently so quiet. I signed up to volunteer for TSWR. Before I even had a chance to volunteer, Patty called me on July 19th and told me she had a senior Weim named Gretchen who needed to be placed immediately in a home where she would be the only dog. I agreed to foster Gretchen and she was brought to my house the next day.
Gretchen had clearly been abused and was the most timid, scared dog I had ever met. It broke my heart seeing her cower when humans approached her. She trusted no one and her tail always stayed down between her legs.
It is truly amazing the transformation that I have witnessed in just 4 months. I could never have imagined the impact that unconditional love could have on an animal. Gretchen loves her family, loves to walk with her dog walker and loves playing with all of her toys!! She is a 75 lb "lap dog" who loves to cuddle and give kisses and wag her tail!!! Within a few days, I knew I wanted to adopt her. She is such a happy dog who is surrounded by lots of love.
For someone who did not think they were ready for another dog, I am so thankful that I made the decision to adopt Gretchen. My home and heart were incomplete without her!!! I rescued her and she rescued me. Stephanie
BAILEY Waiting for Her Next Adventure
We have been so fortunate with our rescues. Bailey is our fourth rescued dog and second from TSWR. When we prepare to adopt a new dog we always have the concern that we are going to get a monster that somebody created because they didn't know how to handle the Weimaraner breed. Bailey is our fifth Weimaraner over the years and we have come to realize that these dogs are so brilliant and resilient that no matter what they have experienced in their past, if you give them food, shelter, love, consistency and discipline they will quickly become terrific family members. She wasted no time finding her way into our hearts.
Previous dogs took several days understanding the new rules and learning to trust their new owners. Bailey only took minutes. I walker her around the property, then walked her through the house and she was very comfortable with everything including our pit-bull Max. The first evening in her new house we had a severe thunderstorm. Bailey came to where I was sitting and curled up on the floor beside my feet and went to sleep. She is a bit timid when she hears a new noise. At first, she jumped at every little noise but as she hears the new sounds and noises over and over she doesn't even flinch anymore.
The previous owners said Bailey did not like being crated and she could actually escape from her crate. Based on this imformation, we chose not to attempt to crae her, rather, we chose to see how she performed on her own with free roam of the house. She did very well. We have no concerns at all leaving her for the day in the house with Max. We have had her for ten weeks and no surprises yet.
Bailey has become very good on a leash and loves walking and running. About a mile from our home we have an 80 acre fenced-in field and the owners are dog friendly. While inside the fence I can unleash Bailey and allow her to run while I walk. On a typical walk I get 3-5 miles of walking and she gets an additional 1-3 miles of running. We walk at least 3 miles daily and get 5-8 miles in on a weekend day.
Bailey was initially a bit overweight. Through exercise and better control of her food comsumption, we were able to take 9 pounds off of her. Our vet says her weight is now perfect so we are happy about that.
We started training classes at a local dog training facility. I am considering trying some agility on her to see how she does. She has plenty of energy but does not even know how to chase a ball and bring it back. So we are looking for new ways to challenge her and add enjoyment to her life.
Things are going quite well with Bailey. We could not have asked for or found a better dog. We are very, very pleased with her and look forward to spending many years with her. Thank you TSWR for all you do for these beautiful creatures. Doug and family
Things are going GRAYT! Coco has really settled in here. Her anxiety that she showed at the beginning has pretty much faded away. She and my other weim, Chance have become the best of friends. She goest to the dog park several times a week and has a love for playing fetch--I mean really loves playing fetch. She will go nonstop for 45 minutes if you let her. She also gets to go trail running 2-3 times a week and goes hiking on the Appalachian trail once or twice a month. My wife and I have been keeping her busy. She truly is a love dog. Eric
JD and Friends
JD is a handsome 7 year blue male weim adopted in August and this is his 6 month update: JD has definitely settled in. He and our other weim, Cobalt are best buddies. Since we've had him he has lost a lot of least 10 pounds. He was overweight. He and Cobalt run around the yard and chase each other and JD has gotten MUCH faster at running. We take him camping and hiking with us and he is such a loyal dog. The only problem we have with him is that he tries to get into the garbage and steals food off of the counter. Now that he has lost weight he is able to stand on his back legs with ease so now the counter is easy access!! He is very sweet and wants nothing more than our love and attention.
Happy New Year
Gus is a 2012 Success Story and has become a happy and loved member of his family
Gus is still a counter surfer but is working with a personal trainer
FOSTER FAILURE ALERT!! All of TSWR is BEYOND THRILLED for JAKE and get out the tissues for some happy tears
Aunt Patty & Aunt Kellyann from Kimber
So mom and dad took Jake and I camping this weekend and as they were setting up the tent they told Jake and I to go play in the creek and have lots of fun because they said they weren't sure how long Jake would be with us. As Jake and I were playing in the water, chasing each other, looking for chipmunks, I asked him why he might be leaving us. He didn't know why, he thought it might be because of his drool.
He told me he has been on his best behavior and even controlled his barking so much better than when he first arrived. He got really sad when he heard he might be leaving someday. I didn't understand it. They say all the time how good he has been and how they really love him and love his goofiness. They do say he drools a lot but, WHATEVER, he's a dog. They need to get over that.
SO, I REALLY love spending all of my free time with Jake. He's fun. We lounge around together on the couch, we run through the grassy fields on sunny days, we frolic in the woods together. He gives me my space when I need it. Rainy day snuggling is the best though.
He even likes my other friends (even the other guy dogs). We've had a few gatherings with my peeps. All of us running on the trail is sooo much fun. We've even met a few strangers on the trail, we hung out for a couple minutes sniffing butts until dad makes us keep running.
Jake has made my days at home so much nicer, his calm gentle personality keeps me very relaxed when mom and dad have to leave. Jake told me that he's happy he has finally found someone that truly understands him--ME!! and accepts him as he is. And, he gets me.
So I guess what I want you to know is I would really love it if Jake could stay. Having the whole family camping really made mom and dad realize how much Jake and I truly enjoy each other. I did wake up in the middle of the night and move so I could get closer to Jake. We like to snuggle. Mom and dad had a little trouble with that, I think because we stole some blankets from them. They always say how impressed they are by how great we are together--like we've been together for years. Even their friends have noticed, they say "you can't let him go, they love each other."
Well Aunties, thank you so much for listening to me. Sometimes mom and dad are hard to talk to. I have been having these feelings for a long time and just needed to get it off my chest.
Love you so much,
TOBY Best Friends Forever
Toby is 6 He was kept outside most of his life. He was a bit of a loose cannon at first but with some structure exercise and basic training, he was ready for adoption. He was fostered by 2 TSWR board members with other dogs in the home and it became apparent that Toby would do better as an only dog with a family who could give this affectionate, sweet boy a lot of attention and play his favorite game-fetch.
It was love at first sight for Toby and his new family and a perfect fit. They were beyond excited to welcome him home. His new family says it's like he has been with them forever. When he is not hiking in the mountains or accompanying his human dad to work, he can be found cuddled on his new blanket that warms up. He is "in heaven on earth" and "a happy prince".
Lady joins Carbo and Ortiz "The Boys" adopted in 2012. It's been a few months since we decided to permanently adopt Lady into our pack. I sincerely cannot imagine not having her as part of our family. Seeing this timid girl slooooowly evolve into a bouncy, happy, cuddly member of the family has been so precious. It's just impossible to look at her and not smile. Yes, she started as a foster and yes, we failed--thankfully!!. She's our sweet "Lady-Girl"