
It's with a very sad heart that I write to tell you that Sophie left
gently and peacefully for The Rainbow Bridge on Tuesday.
The vet who came to our home said she was amazed that
Sophie lived 5 months with her liver cancer. She didn't
think she's ever seen a Weimaraner this old (Sophie would
have been 16 on Dec. 26th). Sophie had a great life with
us right up to the last day, and for that we are thankful.
I know she and Rudi are reunited again, together forever.
But Hank & I are lost without this amazing creature in our lives.
Reader Comments (5)
What an amazing story! We lost our beloved Weim girl, Grafin, at 11 years old to liver cancer. She lived for about 6 weeks after her diagnosis but then late on a Sunday night died in our arms. It's still such an ache in our hearts that our vet could not have saved her but we know she is free of pain and happy on the over side of Rainbow Bridge..... God bless......
I am so sorry. I totally understand as we lost our 15 yr old Pearl last February. We are not even sure what her illness was but we were with her to the end. Rest in Peace sweet girls.
Thank you! The photos were taken the day before Sophie died. She looked so peaceful sleeping, I took the opportunity to snap a couple of shots, knowing what the next day would bring. I had Sophie on Dr. Jean Dodd's liver cleansing diet (75% veggies and 25% white fish), Milk Thistle, and SamE; she also was on 10 mg of Prednesone. I'd like to think all that helped bring her another 5 months of really good life, but in the end it was all in God's hands. I know no matter how long or how brief their stay with us, the hole in our heart is huge.
When so many breeds and individual dogs live much shorter lives it is a real gift to have them live well in to their teens.
I was so sad to hear of sweet Sophie's passing. I am so sorry and know the feeling of loss myself. I hope you find peace in knowing that she is not sufferring and happiness in all of the memories you shared! Thank you for taking her in and making her time with you so special! She was a precious and beautiful girl!