Success Stories > 2011 Successes
Haven was found running at large. She was intact and luckily not pregnant. She was turned over to us by the local spca. She now enjoys a great life with one of our board trustees, Patty Hensler. Haven also has a new 2 year old blue sister named Hollie who rules the roost. Haven is perfectly happy to take Hollie's lead. Haven is very calm for a 3 year old, and just loves to be near her people and relax. She will be spending lots of time swimming from now on because her new owners have a boat and property at the shore. Oh she has a new human brother named Jack who is 10 years old.
Eva is doing great! We love her and can't imagine a better fit for our family. She is fabulous and in 6 months has come a long way.
Remy is such a sweetheart. She is completely ingrained in our family. We have a cabin in the mountains and we take her there with us and she loves it. She loves being in the woods and down around the pond and being outdoors. She has full run of the place when we are down there. Even allowed on the furniture and beds not like at home. She is the sweetest dog I have ever had. We just love her to death. I have never seen or had a dog that is as affectionate as her. She has her quirks and we laugh about them. I've learned a lot of things from her about being patient. Thank you for saving her.
Edwin is 5 years old adopted by his foster mom in March. This is what she had to say. He has lost weight and now weighs 111.6lbs! He is doing very well and is very well behaved. We love him very much. Thanks again for sending Edwin to me. Bev. The pictures say it all
Haze was surrendered because his owner was away from home too many hours each day... he was bored and gaining too much weight. After many weekends of meet & greets, a month or so of fostering and conducting interviews, our Bd Member KellyAnn and her husband decided to adopt this AWESOME boy! Haze joined his feisty sister June on woof watchers and has lost all his winter-weight and then some! He's looking and feeling good!
This is a picture of Hank with his favorite toy in the whole world. Even though I adopted Hank over a year ago in December 2009-just wanted to let you know he has been a wonderful addition to our family and adores his Weim brother. His name fit him perfectly-there was no way we could change it. I couldn't be happier that they get along so well. He had just turned 6 when we got him and to this day he still does not know his age. He still acts like a big puppy. Thanks again for all the rescue does!! Sarah Hudelson
Otto was a 7-8 year old male stray brought into the Griffin Pond Animal Shelter at the Humane Society of Lackawanna County PA. Poor guy didn't even have a name so they named him Reggie. He was an overweight, laid back gentleman who loves other dogs and children and just wanted to be loved in return. He traveled quite a distance to Connecticut to meet his new family. Would Otto be compatible with their cockatoo? He was adopted just in time to watch the Super Bowl with his new Dad. Here is what they had to say after having him 3 months.
Otto is fitting right in. He has a chronic eye condition that we are working on with an eye specialist He has drops to help him produce his own tears. He is also on an antibiotic for a UTI and will be rechecked for that soon. Otto and I hike 2-4 miles a day. He plays in the yard and he and Coco the bird are still curious of one another but seem to get along just fine. He has adjusted well to his new surroundings and we could not be happier. He is easy to fall in love with and has a charming personality. My entire family has fallen head over heals in love with him. Donna
Cooper formerly Philly (2) is on the right Keiser (4) is on the left. Cooper has quite the personality and he is very independent. Unlike our 4 year old weim, Keiser, who has to be with you no matter where you are. They are getting along well--it took a couple of weeks but they play together now.
Cooper loves to ride in the car and go for walks in the woods. We have many state parks in the area with great hiking trails. He does bark at other males and he goes crazy barking at other dogs. He is more of a counter surfer than Keiser. He will lick the dishes in the sink; on Sunday he almost got a piece of chicken off of the platter while I was preparing dinner. He will steal the dish rag from the kitchen and chew on it. Just like any 2 year old--you have to watch him like a hawk! And when they'd better go see what they are up doing!!!
They are a great breed. I don't think I could ever have another kind of dog. Glad we found Cooper. Thanks again. Melisa
This sweet active girl was a stray brought into rescue with bad fur, skin infections and hair loss which testing showed a hormone imbalance. She improved in foster care and in January she went to her new home. She was an ugly duckling who turned into a swan and not only is she beautiful she was given a chance to show off her easy going, lovable, playful personality with her new family. They wanted so much to help her skin problems that they had a procedure done which diagnosed skin mutant alpesia. She follows a natural diet important to limiting flare ups of her skin condition. Amanda has great house manners. Anything and everything you want to do with her is fine-play, lay, cuddle, trim nails, clean ears. Great with kids and strangers. Her favorite pastime is playing and running for tennis balls-more like attacking the tennis ball sometimes 2 at a time. She is great off leash and even though she has lots of open space to run she will never stray from this home that she loves and they love her.
Spencer is doing great. He loves his weim sister Sadie who we adopted from TSWR about 5 years ago and our little rat terrier, Jake. He sleeps on our bed between our pillows every night. He is just a cuddler and so happy. He likes being in this house with a 3 year old--many snacks dropped on the floor.
We hired an in home trainer to come and work with Spencer because he has gotten very protective of our family and home. He is incredibly food motivated so it it going quite well.
The annual picnic at Ironwood was great. I wish we had one a few times a year. So nice to see everyone and their dogs. Lots of love at that picnic. ...Sharon
simone 1.jpg
About Miss Simone! She stole our hears the day we picked her up. It took about 45 minutes for Victoria to say "Mommy, I LOVE Simone, can we keep her?" Rob was convinced not too long after and shockingly I was the hold out. I was hesitant to get attached as the last 6 months had been pretty hard with losing Jade to heart failure and then Nena to bloat. But Simone could melt the heart of even the most icy! She was dropped off to a shelter in Lancaster County PA Friday Memorial Weekend. 13 1/2 years old, she was left by the people who had her since she was an 8 week old puppy. The paperwork stated that she was having frequent accidents. The vet she was taken to prescribed Proin. They filled the prescription and dropped her at the shelter. The shelter contacted TSWR and TSWR posted for a foster asap. As soon as I read the post, before I even spoke to Rob about it, I volunteered us. The story broke my heart and I couldn't imagine the stress Simone was going through being in that shelter. Thankfully, Eva another volunteer was able to pick her up and keep her overnight. Rob, Victoria and I made the trip to Eva's in PA to meet our "temporary" family member.
Simone is one of the smallest, prettiest Weimaraners I have ever seen. She is so BEAUTIFUL. She is polite, full of energy and a snuggle bug. She curled up with me on the sofa the 1st night she spent with us. I should have known then she was staying for good. Any dog that can find her spot in a home with 3 other large dogs and an unreserved 6 year old is a keeper! She is in numerical age 13 1/2 but in action and spunk she's about 7. She doesn't do the old lady trot she runs and plays and is so zippy. She is so loving. When you give her a hug, she leans into it, it amazes me. Everyone that's met her is amazed at her beauty, age and just thinks she's the sweetest girl ever.
Since we've had her she has been on Proin. Hasn't had a single accident. She has been left in the house up to 8 hours without an issue at all. She can also go through the night without needing to be let out. Every time I look at her I wonder how her family could have given her up, let alone not even trying to see if the Proin helped. But then I think, well, if they hadn't we wouldn't have had the chance to be the new family for this amazing girl who we love with all our hearts. When you hear "Old Weims are the Best!" it's not an exaggeration.
Sincerely, Monica, Rob, Victoria, Suede, Slate, Joy & Simone Negron
KYRA Doing One of Her Favorite Things
Kyra's other favorite thing is swimming in the bay. We have both girls, Kiwi and Kyra and they are living like ROYALS. We affectionately call them Queen Kiwi and Princess Kyra a.k.a. Kare Bear as she is big like a teddy bear. Kiwi likes to relax and just hang with her people. Kyra is our "Peter Pan" always wanting to play, even though she will be 10 in November.
6/4/11 Update on Ilsa adopted March/2011. All is well. Ilsa is great. She is so happy and loving her new family. Her and my weim Rheny are good friends now. They take a walk together every evening at 7pm. If I'm not getting up and putting on my sneakers, they BOTH start to nudge me.
She loves to dig and we let her, any place she likes. She is a hunter also, in the woods her head stays down on the ground. The dogs will have a pool next week, can't wait to see if she likes it.
Dutch-12 years old
Dutch is just the most wonderful perfect pup ever. I have always loved older weims but I never thought any could be as good as my Dutchie Boy! Not a single problem. I have a blue weimie named Lola, age 4, who we adopted from a shelter and a silver weimie named Dylan, age 6, who we got from your rescue a few years ago. They are still young and crazy like most Weimies are. Always in trouble ... I'm sure you know the type. My husband and I love them, but I so was missing my older weimie girl, Honey, that I lost to cancer a few years back. That's why we wanted an older guy and Dutch has taken our hearts. We just can't say enough good things about him! My husband walks them at least 3 times a day. They all love their walks! We took him to the vets and his health is good. Just a little heavy, so we're going to cut back gradually. He's a hungry boy! Thank you so much and the rescue for all the good work you do.
Ollie has settled in so well!!! Doing great at home--we don't even crate him at all. He has the run of the house, is walking great on a leash, doing MUCH better in the car too!!! He and Blue get along great and romp around endlessly. They love to snuggle in their bed together. He has been fantastic and never ceases to amaze us! Thanks again for this great opportunity.
My boyfriend adopted Mimi (we changed her name to Dagmar in March (2010) I have never owned a dog and was a little nervous when he brought her home, but the minute we met, I fell in love. Dagmar is a bit of a nervous dog but an absolute sweetheart. She is our shadow and never leaves our side whether at work, out for walks or on doggie dates. She is incredibly loyal and sweet. We live at the beach and her favorite activity is runnung on the beach with her friends and swimming in the bay. Thank you for helping bring her to us. Kristin, Jesse and Dagmar
JACK formerly Shilo
Jack is doing great. He gets along great with our other weimie, they love to play and wrestle each other! He is like Houdini getting into our locked garbage can, kitchen cupboards and the closet with the dog food! We've even placed child locks on the cupboards without any improvement. We absolutely LOVE him! He is the most affecionate, devoted, tender adorable and handsome boy! He is also a BIG attention hog. He always has to get in the way of Stella's hugs and kisses. We adore him to pieces! He has had some separation anxiety from our other weim when we borded him for the first time. They ended up putting them together because his anxiety was so bad. He was fine afterward. Another time he went to all day doggie day care and was so exhausted he slept through his pedicure. He has put on much needed weight He is about 80# now. We love him!! Thank you,
Keith, Michelle, Karly, Stella (weimie) and Jack
Harley & Dylan
They are wonderfule dogs and doing well with us. They are the biggest babies and love to snuggle with us all of the time. We couldn't be happier to have them. We look forward to bringing the boys to the picnic in May 2012.
Annabelle & Gixxer
Gixxer3/3/11 Annabelle & Gixxer were housemates their owner surrendered to a shelter because they were going into the military. Annabelle was adopted and Gixxer remained in foster. Annabelle was very shy and timid and afraid of strangers. Would pace around with her tail tucked in. There was a sense of loss. Gixxer then joined Annabelle into the same adoptive family. When Gixxer came back into her life she became a different dog. She was the alpha. She is now doing fantastic. No longer timid and afraid of strangers and is now active and happy. She came out of her shell.
Renata says it is amazing how fast they have become part of our family and it feels like they have been part of the family longer than just weeks. Jack & I feel very lucky to have been able to adopt them as they are both wonderful dogs. We expected issues but there is none.
They love the car, they go to Great Falls park, love the playground with our 3 year old son. Jack runs with them. Both dogs at the same time with a split leash. In fact they run better than they walk because when walking they stop to sniff. I also run with them. They do the "weim dance" as soon as they see the running shoes come out.
Recent vet visit found them to be in great health. Annabelle weights 73-perfect. Gix 92 overweight but increased exercise should help and we have had to play roulette with his food due to gas issues. Currently trying Natural Choice. Previous food had sweet potatoes which may have been the problem.
Renata said "dogs find there way to people for a reason".
Haley is doing awesome and lover her new life and home. I want to thank Tri-State for finding her for me. Mike C